Custom Slots
The OAOperation
component provides several slots for customizing the operation layout.
The description
slot allows you to customize the operation description.
aside: false
outline: false
title: vitepress-openapi
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useData } from 'vitepress'
const { isDark } = useData()
async function confetti() {
(await import('')).default()
<OAOperation operationId="getAllArtists" :isDark="isDark">
<template #description="description">
#### Custom description slot
All slots *can* contain ~~tons of text~~ **Markdown**. [If GitHub supports the syntax](, chances are we’re supporting it, too. You can even create [internal links to reference endpoints](#responses).
You can also include custom Vue components or HTML elements:
<button @click="confetti()" class="p-2 bg-muted rounded" aria-label="Trigger celebration confetti">:tada: Celebrate :tada:</button>